Hands On Labs

Build the Docker Image

This section contains instructions to build and run the MedRec APIs (Node.js and MongoDB) inside locally running Docker containers.

If you have the Node.js app and MongoDB running locally you will need to stop them. Simply Ctl-C to kill the process running the Node.js app you started previously. Commands to stop MongoDB will be located in different places depending on your install. On Ubuntu 16.04 I ran the following;

sudo /etc/init.d/mongodb stop

Next change into the root folder of your project. For example.

cd /home/dave/myprojects/ankimedrec-apis

To list any running Docker containers using the following command.

sudo docker ps

To list any existing Docker images using the following command.

sudo docker images

Ensure docker-compose is installed

docker-compose --version

Now, build the docker image using the following command.

sudo docker-compose build

Next, list the Docker images again to view the new image.

sudo docker images

Run the Docker Image

Next, run the docker containers using the following command.

sudo docker-compose up

At the start you should see output generated similar to the following:

Be patient while it downloads the Mongo image from DockerHub.

Further down you should see output generated similar to the following;

Note: If you see the following error, it means that there are ports clashing due to MongoDB and the Node application are still running locally.

Once the MedRec Application is running successfully, determine the IP address to access your APIs running in the Docker container.

On Linux, in another terminal do a sudo /sbin/ifconfig to list the IP address assigned to the Docker container and to the VM. For instance, in the following screenshot you will see the IP addresses assigned to my enp0s3( and docker0 ( interfaces.

This means that from a broswer inside my Ubuntu VM I could access using and from outside the VM, in the host machine, I could use

Launch a browser and make sure that you can access the MedRec Swagger UI using either IP Address http://IPaddress:3000

This image is accessing the Swagger UI from within the Ubuntu VM:

While this one is accessing the Swagger UI from outside the VM, but within the Host Machine:

Interact with the SwaggerUI to do GET / POST operations and note the log output.

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